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Introduction to the Preservation of Archives (Core)
October 4, 2019
General description:
The principles of preservation management dictate that the archivist must first assess, then plan, and only then act. This workshop will instruct participants in preservation basics including appropriate care and handling of archival material, agents of deterioration, appropriate storage environments and enclosures and knowing when to contact a conservator.
This workshop is part of the CNSA Archival Certificate Program.
The workshop will go over basic preservation principles, including policies and procedures, agents of deterioration and will include demos and hands-on exercises of preservation methods.
Learning Method:
Learning is done through a combination of lecture, personal reading and practical exercises over a 2-day period in an informal, friendly atmosphere.
Prior knowledge required:
Introduction to Archives workshop or experience working with archival records is an asset but not a requirement.
Registration is open to CNSA members in good standing. A travel subsidy is available to CNSA members. Click here for Expense Claim Form for travel subsidy.
Contact our Archives Advisor for upcoming dates.
Pre-workshop Reading:
Marrelli, Nancy. Implementing Preservation Management: A How-to Manual for Archives. Montreal, QC: Réseau des archives du Québec, c1996.