Latest Past Events

Introduction to the Preservation of Archives (Core)

General description: The principles of preservation management dictate that the archivist must first assess, then plan, and only then act. This workshop will instruct participants in preservation basics including appropriate care and handling of archival material, agents of deterioration, appropriate storage environments and enclosures and knowing when to contact a conservator. This workshop is part…

Introduction to the Rules for Archival Description (Core)

General description: The description of records and the creation of finding aids are the method for providing access to your archival holdings. The Rules for Archival Description (RAD) is the Canadian standard which guides our descriptive work. This 2-day workshop introduces and explains the rules in RAD. It focuses on the practical uses of RAD…

Acquisition, Appraisal and Accessioning (Core)

Colchester Historeum 29 Young Street, Truro

General description: Participants will be guided through the three archival functions of acquisition, appraisal and accessioning. The acquisition process involves choosing appropriate materials to be housed at the archives and accepting them into custody. Accessioning is the official legal acceptance of those records. Once they have been accepted, they can be processed in the institution…