Grants & Bursaries

CNSA Professional Development & Training Bursary (PD&T)

Funded by: Council of Nova Scotia Archives

Download the PD&T Bursary Guidelines (PDF) and PD&T Application Form (PDF)

The Professional Development and Training Bursary (PD&T) was established in 2003 to assist members attending archival training events that further their professional development. The program provides partial funding to eligible applicants to support their attendance at workshops, conferences, seminars and other training events not offered by the CNSA.

  • Applicants must be current CNSA members or employees/volunteers of Associate Institutional or Institutional Members of the CNSA that are in good standing.
  • Applicants are eligible for up to $500 per year.
  • Can be used for conferences, courses, workshops, training, etc. that are not offered by the CNSA.
  • To receive funding in a timely manner, the application and employer’s letter of support (if applicable) should be submitted one month prior to the training event.
  • Approval is based on the impact of the training on the individual and/or their institution.
  • Applicants approved for funding must submit a written report (300-600 words) on their training activity once completed. The report may be published on this website.
  • Funds are released upon submission of expense receipt(s).

See the Program Guidelines for complete information.

Travel Subsidy for CNSA Members

Funded by: Council of Nova Scotia Archives

Download the Travel Reimbursement Form

The Council recognizes that travel to educational opportunities hosted by the CNSA can be a limiting factor in participating in CNSA events. Each year the Council makes available a limited amount of funds to assist members in good standing (i.e. up-to-date on their membership fees) with travel costs.

CNSA members may apply for a travel reimbursement of 60% of the total mileage costs based on the current mileage rate, up to a total of $200 per annum per member organization or individual membership.

A travel reimbursement may be claimed for the following events and educational opportunities:

  • CNSA annual conference
  • CNSA Core Courses and workshops
  • CNSA-hosted workshops such the Canadian Conservation Institute’s
  • CNSA Annual general Meeting

Members must fill out a Travel Reimbursement Form within 30 days of the claimed trip and provide proof of attendance (i.e. conference or workshop registration). Claims should be submitted to the Archives Advisor via email, mail, or fax.

Provincial Archival Development Program (PADP)

Funded by: Government of Nova Scotia, Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage (CCTH)

Application forms, program guidelines, and adjudication scoring guides are available on the Nova Scotia Archives’ website.

The Provincial Archival Development Program (PADP) was established in 2008, and is administered by Nova Scotia Archives (NSA). Open only to CNSA Institutional Members, archives can apply for up to $15,000 of funding for a project that begins and ends within one fiscal year of the application (April 1 to March 31). Proposed projects must connect to one of the four PADP Objectives outlined in the guidelines. Applicants can earn extra points for projects that connect with a Provincial Priority. Applicants must provide 25% of total project costs as cash and/or in-kind contributions.

PADP provides funding for:

  • projects, not operational costs, to a maximum of $15,000 if submitting one application; up to $20,000 if submitting two applications.
  • entering fonds, series, file and item level descriptions into MemoryNS.
  • promoting public awareness, appreciation and use of Nova Scotia’s archival heritage. (eg: marketing plans, thematic kits for classrooms, open houses, etc.)
  • improve extent and level of professionalism and expertise, and the adoption of standards and best practices. (eg: attend archival conferences, post-appointment training)
  • preservation management activities, in this order: first global site assessment, then actions recommended by the assessment, then holdings condition assessment, then item-level treatment of records at grave risk.
  • improve arrangement & description of archival records created by or about Mi’kmaq, Acadians, African Nova Scotians, Gaels and under represented ethno-cultural groups.
  • reduce backlog of unprocessed archival records through arrangement & description of archival records to enhance intellectual control and provide access.
  • increase capacity of CNSA to undertake projects to strengthen and improve the provincial archival system and network (eg: Cooperative Acquisition Strategy, website, MemoryNS database)

Applicants will be notified by the Provincial Archivist and/or the Provincial Minister of Communities, Culture and Heritage. Successful applicants are required to submit a final report, which is due 30 days after project completion. The application process is conducted annually beginning in early spring. Please see the Nova Scotia Archives’ website for further details.

Community Museums Assistance Program 

Funded by: Government of Nova Scotia, Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage 

  • Grants are available to assist museums with operating costs.
  • A museum may include an archival component (stand alone archives are not eligible).
  • Applicants are subject to a thorough evaluation every three years.

Strategic Development Initiative

Funded by: Government of Nova Scotia, Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage 

  • Provides project funding for archives, community museums, municipal governments, not-for-profit groups, regional development authorities and other bodies that are exploring common heritage objectives.
  • Priority given to initiatives focused on partnerships and increased self-sufficiency.

Community Grants Program

Funded by: Halifax Regional Municipality

The Community Grants Program provides one-time or multi-year grants to registered, community-based non-profit organizations and charities that serve social, cultural, environmental, recreational and heritage initiatives. Grants can be used to purchase artifacts or heritage items, assist in restoration, signage, exhibits, exhibitions, advocacy, public education as well as board development and planning. The application deadline is January 31st.

The value of award varies, usually in the range of $1,000-$5,000. Larger grants may be awarded for property-related projects or for programs and services that are regional in scope. A list of disbursements is published each year in the HRM Grants Program Annual Report and the Grants Program web site.

Digital Museums Canada Investment Program

Funded by: Government of Canada

  • Funding available for small, medicum, and large projects by Canadian museums and heritage organizations.
  • Largely for digitizing artifacts in museum collections or developing online virtual exhibits and interpretive tools (thus may include archival content).
  • Digitized material must be made available and remain on-line for 5 years.

Heritage Canada’s Clearinghouse of Foundations

Funded by: Government of Canada

  • A list of addresses of foundations which support built heritage activities.

Young Canada Works

Funded by: Government of Canada

  • Apply online at the Young Canada Works interactive website.
  • Archives’ service delivery organization is Canadian Council of Archives. Visit their website for further information.
  • It is best to contribute some real dollars, at least between 25% to 50%.
  • Lots of flexibility in the type of project.
  • Must hire a student aged between 16 and 30 years for summer employment.
  • Student must be registered in the YCW candidate inventory.

Helen Creighton Society Grants-In-Aid 

Funded by: Government of Nova Scotia

  • Archives and museums may apply.
  • Funding is for projects relating to folklore research, collection, and publication.
  • Grants are normally for $750 and may be renewed.

Nova Scotia Student Career Skills Development Program 

Funded by: Government of Nova Scotia

  • Funding is only available to not-for-profit institutions.
  • A project must last for at least 8 weeks during the summer.
  • Employment must be for a student enrolled in a full-time course at a post-secondary institution (or starting their studies in the fall)
  • The program funds $6.50 per hour, but the institution must make up the difference and the student must be paid at least minimum wage.

Nova Scotia Museums Research Grants

Funded by: Nova Scotia Museum (Government of Nova Scotia)

  • Funding is for research projects that examine a theme, idea or value system associated Nova Scotia’s communities (geographic, ethnic or occupational).
  • Grants can be used to have research done on an aspect of an archival collection for a publication or in association with an exhibit.
  • The applicant must be an individual researcher.
  • Grants may be up to $4,000.

Building Communities Through Arts & Heritage

Funded by: Government of Canada

Building Communities Through Arts & Heritage (BCAH)

  • Project funding for existing local arts & heritage festivals or local historical 100+ anniversaries.
  • Open to local non-profit incorporated organizations, unincorporated groups, & band councils.
  • Designed “…to increase opportunities for local artists & artisans to be involved in their community and for local groups to commemorate local history and heritage.” (Canadian Heritage website)
  • Can request up to $200,000 per project; no cash match required.
  • Eligible projects must have community support, be open to general public, and have confirmed support (cash or in-kind) from municipal government.
  • For festivals, eligible projects must be a recurring event, last more than 1 day but less than 29 days, and present significant local heritage.
  • For anniversary celebrations, eligible projects must present aspects of local heritage, be a 100th, 125th, 150th, 175th, etc. anniversary, and last at least 1 day.
  • Guidelines and application forms available on website.
  • Various deadlines for festivals and events; check individual websites for dates and other information.
  • For assistance, call 1-866-811-0055 (toll-free) or email