Reconciliation Working Group (Ad Hoc)
The Council of Nova Scotia Archives’ Reconciliation Working Group (ad hoc) was established by the Executive on September 18, 2020, in response to “A Reconciliation Framework for Canadian Archives” (hereafter referred to as “the Framework”) from the Steering Committee on Canada’s Archives (SCCA), first draft released July 2020.
The mission of the Reconciliation Working Group is to determine what actions the CNSA will take to assist members with implementing the SCCA’s Framework and to forward reconciliation within the Council and our membership.
Objectives and Goals:
The working group will:
- Conduct a thorough review of the Framework and consult with other jurisdictions on their responses to the Framework.
- Consult with members about their understanding of reconciliation and the Framework and gather information about what supports members will need in order to action aspects of the Framework in their repositories and communities.
- Reach out to Mi’kmaw organizations, recordkeepers, and researchers with the hope of dialoguing with them about the Framework.
- With the above information, produce a report on recommended actions for the CNSA to:
- support its members with implementing the framework and move toward reconciliation, and
- forward reconciliation within the Council and adopt it as part of its mandate.
- After approval, the Working Group will take on a second phase of work to implement the actions.
Group Members:
Jane Arnold, Beaton Institute Archives, Cape Breton University
Katherine Crooks, Independent Scholar
Alyssa Galant, Beaton Institute Archives, Cape Breton University
Rachel Head, Beaton Institute Archives, Cape Breton University
Jamie Heap/Angelina Amaral, Kmilmu’kw Maw’klusuaqn
Sharon Murray, Council of Nova Scotia Archives
Ashley Sutherland, Colchester Historeum
Status Reporting:
The Chair of the Working Group will provide monthly reports to the CNSA Executive. The Working Group will endeavor to produce a report on recommended actions by September 2021.