CNSA Members’ Listserv

The CNSA maintains a discussion group for members of the Council. Our Archives Advisor, MemoryNS Support Specialist, Executive, and Committees regularly post announcements on the listserv, plus members can post their news and ask questions of other members. New members of the CNSA should contact our Archives Advisor to subscribe.

National Mailing Lists

ARCAN-L is provided for the discussion of archival issues and interests of particular relevance to Canadian Archives and archivists. It provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information amongst Canadian archivists and their colleagues in other countries. It is an un-moderated list.

To subscribe, send an email to the listserv administrator with the words “subscribe ARCAN-L” in the message body. Leave the subject line blank.

A discussion forum for those interested in the activities of the Archives Association of Ontario.

To subscribe, send an email message to LISTSERV@YORKU.CA with the following information in the body of the email: SUBSCRIBE AAOLIST firstname lastname

Remember to leave the SUBJECT line of the email message blank.
Further information

International Mailing Lists

Archives & Archivists
A discussion group for archivists based at Miami University.
Further information 

A list for distributing and receiving news and information about the International Council on Archives and its members.

To subscribe to ICA-L, type MAJORDOMO@UALBERTA.CA in the TO field of your message and in the text of your message only type: SUBSCRIBE ICA-L and send the message.
Further information

Subject Specific Mailing Lists

The Encoded Archival Description List is hosted by the Library of Congress.

To subscribe, send an email to LISTSERV@LOC.GOV

SUBSCRIBE EAD <Firstname Initial Lastname>
Further information

Electronic Records

A discussion group for topics in electronic records

To subscribe, send an email to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.ALBANY.EDU in the subject area type: Subscribe. In the text area type: sub ERECS-L Your Name
Further information 

OAI General

A list about Open Archives Initiative related activities.
Further information