Preservation Services for Members
Preservation Equipment Loan Program
The CNSA owns a UV metre, light metre, and several HOBO MX1101 data loggers for measuring temperature and relative humidity, any of which CNSA members can borrow for up to a year at a time. The HOBO data loggers are operated via Bluetooth from a smartphone or tablet. If you are interested in borrowing any of our environmental-monitoring equipment, please contact our Archives Advisor.
The followed documents provide more information on the data loggers:
Cold Vault Storage for Institutional Members
CNSA Institutional Members have access to free storage in the Nova Scotia Film Preservation Cold Vault, owned and operated by the Nova Scotia Archives.
Disaster Recovery Services
See our page devoted to disaster preparedness and recovery here:
General Preservation Resources
- CNSA Generic Emergency Plan
- CNSA Preservation Policy guidelines
- Conservators for hire in Nova Scotia
- File Format Guidelines for Preservation and Long-term Access by Library and Archives Canada (LAC)
- Tips for Preserving CDs and DVDs
- Biological Infestations - Chapter 5 of US National Parks Service Museum Handbook
- Canadian Association for Conservation: Atlantic Regional Group - association of professional conservators for hire in Atlantic Canada
- Canadian Conservation Institute - reliable preservation information from the experts, includes CCI Notes and Technical Bulletins
- CCA Preservation Committee - preservation activities at the national level and source for preservation standards and publications Collection Care at the British Library, includes links to publications from the National Preservation Office (UK)
- Conservation OnLine - full text library of conservation information, covering a wide spectrum of topics concerning library, archives and museum materials
- Emergency Preparedness & Response from the California Preservation Clearinghouse
- Northeast Document Conservation Centre - provides an excellent on-line preservation course as well as technical information, advice and links to further resources
- The Permanence and Care of Color Photographs by Henry Wilhelm – classic reference book, available for free download by chapter.