MemoryNS Committee
Role and Purpose
The overall objective of the MemoryNS (formerly ArchWay) Committee is to oversee the ongoing development and administration of MemoryNS, the CNSA's online database of members' archival descriptions; to assist in the development of tools and training for CNSA members to enable MemoryNS to work as a stand alone system; and to publicize and promote MemoryNS as a major Nova Scotia heritage resource.
MemoryNS User Experience Testing Report (2021)
Archives Management Software Review Report (2008)
ArchWay User Needs Survey Report (2011)
The MemoryNS Committee is made up of 4 or more volunteer CNSA members plus the MemoryNS Support Specialist (ex-officio).
The MemoryNS Committee typically meets 4-6 times per year.