Our Mandate

The Council of Nova Scotia Archives (CNSA) is a members-based, professional association for archives and archivists in Nova Scotia. We provide education, services, and supports for members to help them care for, and provide access to, the unique histories they hold in their archives. We advocate for the value of archives in Nova Scotia and Mi'kma'ki for all communities and peoples.

A number of dedicated professional archivists from our member institutions occupy positions on our administrative committees. Through these committees, the CNSA endeavours to promote archival standards, procedures, and practices among its members and those institutions and organizations entrusted with the care of Nova Scotia’s documentary heritage. You can learn more about the CNSA through our Constitution, Annual Reports, descriptions of our committees, or by becoming a member!

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The CNSA was founded in 1983 by a core group of 25 institutions, organizations, and individuals interested in creating a network of archives throughout the province.

Today there are nearly 100 members representing community archives and museums, university archives, religious archives, governmental archives, and heritage associations.

Presently, the CNSA staff consists of an Archives Advisor who facilitates educational programs, maintains on-line databases, and travels to member institutions to provide on-site assistance.

What We Do

We provide members with a common meeting ground and network for discussion of archival issues, plus we are the liaison with the Canadian Council of Archives.

The CNSA offers members advisory services plus a suite of preservation services to help them properly care for, and provide access to, their archives.

Our suite of courses and our Archival Certificate Program offer a grounding in the basics of archival practice, and from time to time, we offer advanced workshops on specific archival topics. Various tools are available online including examples of archival policies plus links and resources to assist archivists with their work. We also have a small library of books and publications on archival practice that members can borrow.

The CNSA maintains a collective, searchable, online database containing thousands of archival descriptions from member archives across the province, MemoryNS: https://memoryns.ca

Members are eligible to apply for any of three annual awards for archival excellence. We also offer modest grants and bursaries to members in addition to those available through a variety of government programs.

Whether you are setting up a new archive, or dealing with a specific archival management issue, the CNSA is here to help!