Conference Sub-Committee

Role and Purpose:

The CNSA Conference Committee is a sub-committee of the CNSA Education Committee. The primary activity of the Conference Sub-Committee is organizing the CNSA’s annual conference.

The Council's annual conference typically takes place in Halifax in the Spring, with two days of learning sessions, socializing, presentation of the annual CNSA Awards, presentation of certificates to Archival Certificate Program graduates, plus the CNSA’s Annual General Meeting. Occasionally the Council, through the Executive and Education Committee, may join with related organizations or associations, such as LAMNS, to organize a joint conference in place of the CNSA’s annual conference. In these years, the Executive holds its Annual General Meeting separately within 90 days of fiscal year-end. 

Responsibilities of the Conference Sub-Committee:

The Conference Sub-Committee works directly with the Archives Advisor, and as a team, they are responsible for: 

  • Selecting a conference theme, date, and location;
  • Developing and following a budget for the conference;
  • Developing a conference program with associated speakers;
  • Contacting and scheduling speakers;
  • Organizing an in-person location and/or online platform for the conference and the associated logistics for speakers, attendees, refreshments, etc.;
  • Managing conference registration and payment;
  • Liaising with the CNSA Awards Committee and Executive to organize and schedule awards presentation and the AGM;
  • Providing feedback, a final report, and financial summary for Education Committee to submit to the Executive.


The Conference Sub-Committee is made up of 3-6 volunteer CNSA members plus the CNSA Archives Advisor (ex-officio member). The committee appoints a Chair or Co-Chairs who is/are responsible for scheduling committee meetings; keeping the committee on track, schedule, and budget; and liaising with the Education Committee.


The Conference Sub-Committee meets once per month with the exception of time off during July and August. The committee may need to meet more frequently in the lead-up to the conference.