Dr. Phyllis R. Blakeley Award 2013 – Highland Village Museum

Picture 028The winner of the 2013 Dr. Phyllis R. Blakeley Award was the Highland Village Museum for their project An Drochaid Eadarainn / The Bridge Between Us. The Bridge Between Us was a collaborative project initiated by the Nova Scotia Highland Village Society in collaboration with a number of community partners, including the Muncipality of Victoria County, NSCAD University, the Provincial Office of Gaelic Affairs, and St. Francis Xavier University. Officially launched in May 2012, the project saw the creation of an interactive website designed to increase accessibility to Gaelic culture and heritage. The site is essentially divided into two prats. The Living Bridge provides an interactive forum where people can post content and join discussions while Living Traditionsprovides access to archival audio and video content as well as recent recordings. The archival content is drawn from a number of sources, including the Cape Breton Gaelic Folklore Collection at St. Francis Xavier University, the Gaelic Council of Nova Scotia, and the Helen Creighton Collection at Nova Scotia Archives, among others.