Workshop: Copyright Basics for Archives, Oct. 23, 2024

Did you know that copyright now lasts for 20 years longer than it used to? Can a machine be the author of a copyrighted work? Maybe it’s time for a copyright refresher!

When: Wednesday, October 23, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Where: Akins Room, Nova Scotia Archives, and online via Zoom

Instructor: Jean Dryden, MA, MLS, LLM(IP), PhD

Workshop Format: Lecture, examples, handouts, and discussion

In-person registration is open to CNSA members only. The workshop will not be recorded.

This one-day workshop provides an overview of how copyright law works and presents the copyright provisions, including relevant case law, that determine duration and ownership of copyright, and the respective rights of copyright owners and users of copyrighted material, including fair dealing and the exceptions for archives, libraries, and museums. This workshop will be of particular interest to any archives and/or museum staff who are responsible for managing copyright in their collections.

Participants will learn:

  1. How copyright law works and the challenges of applying it in the digital environment.
  2. The provisions of the Canadian Copyright Act that set out the duration and ownership of copyright and the respective rights of copyright owners and users of copyrighted material
  3. How to systematically analyze a copyright question.

About the Instructor:

A well-known copyright educator, Jean has presented scores of workshops on copyright to archivists, librarians, and educators. She has over twenty-five years of experience as a staff archivist and archival administrator. Her doctoral dissertation investigated the copyright practices of Canadian archival repositories in making their holdings available on the Internet, and she holds a Master of Laws degree specializing in intellectual property. Jean teaches ‘Copyright for Information Professionals’ at the University of Toronto. She represents the International Council on Archives (ICA) at the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Copyright Committee, and is a member of the ICA’s Expert Group on Legal Matters.

This workshop is made possible by generous funding from the Nova Scotia Archives