Anna Hamilton Memorial Award 2012

2012-05-10_037-SusanHill-CatherineArseneau-HamiltonAward-croppedCatherine presenting the winner of the Anna Hamilton Outstanding Volunteer Award, Susan Hill of Cumberland County Genealogical Society, with her certificate.

This year’s Anna Hamilton Memorial Award for outstanding volunteer was presented to Susan Hill of the Cumberland County Genealogical Society (CCGS). Susan is an energetic and enthusiastic volunteer who helped establish the society in 2000. She is a great role model who has volunteered for a number of projects including, but not limited to, serving on the board of the society, helping with workshops and conferences hosted by the CCGS, acquiring and accessioning archival material, preparing resource materials for researchers, and working shifts in the Cumberland County Genealogical Centre and Archives. In addition to these activities, Susan also completed the CNSA’s Core Curriculum in 2009.