2023 Winter Course Line-Up!
Now that we’ve moved our Core Courses online, we’re able to offer them all year ’round! This is a bit of an experiment for us, since we don’t know how many people will be interested taking courses during the winter months, but we’re hoping for the best! So, coming up this winter, the CNSA will be offering…
Introduction to Archives
This course provides an overview of archives and archival practice. By the end of the course, participants should be able to distinguish archival records from other types of records, recognize risks to preserving archival materials, know what a fonds is an how it’s organized, plus have a basic understanding of the seven core archival functions: acquisition, accessioning, appraisal, arrangement, description, and access & reference.
When: February 6-9 (Mon-Thurs), 9am-12pm each day
Via: Zoom & Google Classroom
Cost: $120 CNSA members (plus group-rates available), $170 non-members
Enrollment: 10 minimum, 20 maximum
Register online: https://www.councilofnsarchives.ca/product/intro-2023-1/
Arrangement & Description
Arrangement and description of archival material is the nuts and bolts of archival work. The first half of this course focuses on the principles of arrangement and includes case studies, providing the participant with a “hands on” opportunity to arrange typical fonds. The second half addresses description, different types of finding aids, and the principles of description.
When: March 2-3 & 6-7 (Thurs, Fri, Mon, Tues), 9am-12pm each day
Via: Zoom & Google Classroom
Cost: $120 CNSA members (plus group-rates available), $170 non-members
Enrollment: 10 minimum, 20 maximum
Register online: https://www.councilofnsarchives.ca/product/arrangement-description-2023-1/
Questions? Concerns?
Sharon is here for you!