We want your input!

The CNSA’s Reconciliation Working Group (RWG) is seeking feedback on their Report: https://www.councilofnsarchives.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/CNSA-RWG-Report-June-2022.pdf 

This draft is a condensed version of what was submitted to the CNSA Executive on March 18, 2022. It contains 14 recommendations for the CNSA Executive – actions focused on building relationships with Mi’kmaq and decolonizing archival practice in this region. 

The RWG would like their recommendations to reflect the needs and priorities of all those invested in the future of archives and archival practice in this region. They are therefore seeking feedback from CNSA members, Mi’kmaq, and the public. Please share with anyone that may be interested in reading it.

You can send feedback via email to the RWG Chair, Sharon Murray, or, if you would rather submit your thoughts anonymously, you can do so online via this Google form

The RWG will continue to gather feedback on their Report and recommendations through the summer and fall, following which, they will submit an updated version to the CNSA Executive. That version is intended to inform the CNSA’s new three-year Strategic Plan, which the Executive will develop later this year.

Thank you – Wela’lin – Merci!