Courses & Workshops

Member News & Events

  • Care and Handling of Photographic Materials, October 2-3, 2019

    10:55 am

    CNSA is once again hosting a CCI workshop! This year, Care and Handling of Photographic Materials with Greg Hill will be offered at the Nova Scotia Archives, October 2nd-3rd, 2019, 9:00am-4:30pm. Registration is open to CNSA members and non-CNSA members and is $175. Registration is now open here!

  • CNSA is hiring!

    4:23 pm

    We are looking for a MemoryNS Technical & Training Coordinator! This project will help build and enhance our MemoryNS descriptive database. Please see the position description for more details, and feel free to contact the CNSA office with any questions.

  • CNSA Award nominations due April 23

    10:13 am

    The deadline for the CNSA awards is upcoming on April 23, 2019 before 5pm! Nomination forms are attached! Please forward all nominations to Lisette Gaudet,

  • Registration open now – CNSA 2019 conference

    3:10 pm

    The Board and Education Committee of the CNSA invite you to register for the 2019 spring conference, “Beyond the Record”, which will take place on May 9-10, 2019, at Nova Scotia Archives in Halifax. Please visit the event page to register and learn more information. We look forward to seeing everyone back in Halifax in May!

  • Launch of LAMNS

    9:16 am

    We warmly welcome you to join us in celebrating the launch of our new collaborative network in Nova Scotia, with Librarian and Archivist of Canada, Dr. Guy Berthiaume. The launch of LAMNS (Libraries, Archives & Museums Nova Scotia) is happening on Tuesday, November 20th at the Nova Scotia Archives in Halifax from 10:00-11:30am. Refreshments will be served! Hope to see you there; libraries, archives, and museums, unite!

  • 2018 CNSA AGM – Save the date!

    3:22 pm

    The CNSA’s 2018 AGM will take place on Thursday, May 10th, 2018 at Nova Scotia Archives. The AGM will be held over lunch, and all CNSA members are welcome to take part. We will also be presenting our CNSA awards during the AGM. The Education Committee is organizing two workshops, to be held on the morning and afternoon of May 10th – stay tuned to our website, listserv, and FB page for details on the sessions and speakers.   We look forward to seeing you in Halifax in May!

  • Membership Working Group Report

    2:27 pm

    In the fall of 2016, the CNSA commissioned a Membership Working Group to examine the council’s membership needs and provide recommendations to the Executive. A survey was developed in early 2017 and circulated to members over the summer. The group spent some time compiling the results of the survey and produced a comprehensive report. You can read the full report and recommendations here: CNSA Membership Renewal Working Group Final Report 2017 We would like to thank you, our members, for sharing your thoughts with us. We will take the recommendations and suggestions here and use them to help improve our…

  • Awards season is upon us!

    2:32 pm

    Have you completed an archival or preservation project over the last year? (Arrangement & description, digitization, reformatting?) Maybe a special exhibit or outreach event that features your archival materials? Do you have a volunteer doing fantastic work in your facility? If you answered “yes!” to any of the above questions, please consider submitting an application for one of our CNSA awards! Recognize your hard work or your dedicated volunteers, promote your archive, and get some great prizes too! Details on all of the awards (what they are, how to apply, prizes) can be found on the Awards page under the…

  • Community Albums – now live!

    2:01 pm

    We are very pleased to announce the launch of Community Albums – please visit the website here and have fun exploring the stories of communities across NS over the last 150 years! Special thanks to Project Coordinator Michelle Boychuk for her dedication to this project, and to all of our participants for sharing their images and stories with us.

  • 2017 Conference Schedule

    12:14 pm

    We are pleased to share the schedule for our 2017 conference: CNSA 2017 Conference Schedule The early-bird deadline for registration has been extended to Friday, April 28th, 2017. Please visit the conference page under the “Events” tab on the top menu to register (online or via a downloadable form). Looking forward to seeing you in Halifax!