CNSA Opportunities

We are always looking for volunteers for CNSA Committees and events. Interested? Please contact our Archives Advisor for more information!

Job Posting Sites

Members are encouraged to share job postings on the CNSA listserv, which reaches all of our members. Additionally, job listings for are often posted on job sites such as Career Beacon and Indeed. It is always worth checking job postings at Universities across Nova Scotia, which have some of the province's larger archives and the greatest need for researchers:

At a national level, the Association of Canadian Archivists maintains a list of Job Opportunities, as does Young Canada Works.


  • LIBJOBS  is an Internet mailing list for employment opportunities for librarians and information professionals. Subscribers receive only posted job opportunities.
  • LIS-JOBLIST is an electronic list devoted to Atlantic Canadian jobs in the field of library/information studies. It contains job postings only; it is not a discussion list of job-related issues. The list is maintained by SLIS students at Dalhousie University. To subscribe: send message: subscribe lis-joblist firstname lastname and send to

Volunteering and Volunteer Management

  • Charity Village  news, jobs, information and resources for executives, staffers, donors, and volunteers in Canada.
  • Volunteer Canada  funded by the Government of Canada through the Canada Volunteerism Initiative.
  • NFP Toolkit  volunteer management software to assist non-profits or any organization that uses volunteers.
  • Voluntary Sector Initiative  (VSI) is a unique undertaking between the Government of Canada and the voluntary sector to enhance their relationship and strengthen the sector's capacity. Over the five year initiative they are working together to address issues including funding practices, policy dialogue, technology, volunteerism and research about the sector.
  • United Way of Colchester County 
  • United Way of Halifax 
  • United Way of Lunenburg County