Call for Nominations: CNSA Treasurer and CNSA Secretary
The Council of Nova Scotia Archives is looking for new members to fill upcoming vacancies on the Executive Committee. If you have ever felt like you wanted to get involved, now is a great time. The Executive Committee meets once a month on a Friday morning, and for the past three years, these meetings have been entirely virtual. We anticipate they will remain virtual for the foreseeable future.
The Executive is recruiting for Treasurer and Secretary – see descriptions below. If you are interested in either position, please email Heather Adams, Member-at-large, Memberships & Nominations, or fill out this online form.
CNSA Treasurer
Term of Office: 3 years, renewable for one 2-year term
Elected: Normally each even calendar year
Voting Privileges: Yes
Office Type: Rotational
Treasurer’s Duties:
- Sees that financial accounts for CNSA are maintained and available for monthly and yearly financial reports, including those required by funding bodies.
- Supervises the CNSA bookkeeper and oversees bookkeeper duties (payroll, accounts receivable & payable, government remittances, T4s, preparation of books for the auditor, and other bookkeeping duties as required).
- Hires and trains bookkeeper as needed to assist in duties in point 1 and 2 above. Supervises and liaises with bookkeeper. Approves bookkeepers pay.
- Holds signing authority on all CNSA accounts.
- Establishes and maintains communication with all standing committee chairs regarding budget requests, expenses and year end spending reports.
- Ensures that expense reimbursement, and payments are done according to CNSA policies and procedures.
- Arranges for annual renewal of paid memberships including Halifax Chamber of Commerce, etc.
- Participates in annual financial review of CNSA accounts by an accountant, to be done as soon as possible after the end of the financial year. Arranges for distribution of review to Executive and funders, as required.
- Prepares the annual budget in collaboration with the Executive and Committees.
- Presents the yearly financial report and submits the proposed budget for approval by the Members at the Annual General Meeting.
- Communicates the financial decisions and recommendations of the Executive to CNSA members.
- Submits the approved budget to the President for inclusion in the Annual Anchor Grant application to Nova Scotia Archives.
- Maintains Treasurer’s files.
CNSA Secretary
Term of Office: 2 years, renewable for one 2-year term
Elected: Normally each even calendar year
Voting Privileges: Yes
Office Type: Rotational
Secretary’s Duties:
- Takes minutes for all Executive meetings and the Annual General Meeting.
- Creates and distributes minutes to CNSA Executive Board members and to others as appropriate.
- Books meeting room and arranges for any conference calls for Executive Meetings.
- Renews listing with Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies.
- Maintains Secretary’s files.
- Reviews the CNSA records retention schedules and updates the same as needed.
- Transfers files to the incoming volunteer or to the CNSA Office at end of term.